Aaron Villa is a crypto analyst and the founder and CEO of A1PHA Trading & Investing. He has been a crypto coach since 2017 and has created multiple courses, formed mastermind groups, and shared a lot of informational tools and tips regarding cryptocurrency.
MoneyCentral magazine recently caught up with Aaron to discuss his journey as an entrepreneur and here’s what went down:
When did your entrepreneurial flair first reveal itself?
I first realized my entrepreneurial flair when I was in college, I got involved with a lot of networking businesses. Also, I watched my parents build and grow their business as a child which influenced me to become an entrepreneur. When I became a Registered Nurse in the USA two years into my career I realized that it was not for me and that I did not want to work for someone else. I wanted my freedom and to be able to do the things I want to do whenever I wanted.
How did your life look like before being an entrepreneur?
Before becoming an entrepreneur I was working full time as a Registered Nurse. I did 12-hour shifts 3-4 times a week. On top of that, I also began my MSN degree to become an Acute Nurse Practitioner. And on my free time, I worked on learning and educating myself everything about investing in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?
As an entrepreneur, I am motivated to prove to myself constantly that I can be successful in all aspects of life. Achieving those goals and growing as a person.
In one word, describe your life as an entrepreneur and explain why.
Exciting. My life as an entrepreneur has been exciting because every day I wake up knowing that I am going to do something I love and am passionate about. I get excited to create new things, connect with new people, see new places, and learn along the way. It also excites me to know that I can also spend more time with my family more as I pursue these things.
What were your top three motivations for starting your business?
1. Freedom to be able to handle my own time.
2. Passion, which allowed me to work day in and day out without getting tired.
3. To be able to create my own future by following my own timeline and pursuing all the goals that I set out to do.
What do you put your success down to?
My success is because of my passion, dedication, and consistency. Also having the right mindset and the right partner (my wife) who constantly guides me throughout my journey.
What would you say are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?
The three elements to running a successful business are first of all loving what you do, valuing relationships with people, and remembering your why. I also believe that the more you give, the more opportunities and blessings that come back to you. So giving back to your community is also important.
What are the three biggest challenges you have faced growing the business and how did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge at first was lack of time and dealing with uncertainties.
When I started A1PHA trading and investing I was also still working as a Nurse. I enjoyed teaching clients about cryptocurrency but I didn’t put much time in. Instead of focusing on doing what I wanted, I had to fulfill my responsibilities at my job. I was a bit uncertain about going all-in with my business because I was used to having a steady income coming in monthly as a Nurse. But as soon as I took that leap of faith to grow and really focus on my business, that’s when I realized that I could actually do this and quit my job. And so far I don’t regret my decision and I never looked back.
Does the loneliness of the entrepreneur really exist?
Yes, it can be lonely at times, but being alone while doing what you are passionate about can be addicting because I can spend countless hours doing what I love without any distractions.
As you grew the business, what have been some of the most important leadership lessons you have learned?
Leadership lessons that I’ve learned are to delegate by outsourcing, managing your time wisely, and learning how to take breaks.
I want to see more small businesses being started and being successful because I myself support small local businesses. I find that in a way, I am contributing to my community and helping another individual no matter how big or small.
You can follow Aaron on Instagram via these links: Alpha Trading I Aaron Villa
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