With the crazy crypto boom around the world, there is a bit too much information to process, and hard to take your pick. But few special people have both the understanding as well as the belief. “Carl Runefelt” is one such individual. The billionaire has made his fortune with considerate assessment and belief in the law of attraction. The golden boy from the crypto industry shares an exclusive interview for the readers of MoneyCentral magazine.
Carl is very firm about his vision of crypto being the only currency we will use in the future. He has always believed that one bitcoin can be worth millions in the extended imminent stripe. He has advised us that he has invested in more than four hundred crypto startups, making him possibly the world’s largest crypto angel investor. With a following of over five million subscriptions across all social media platforms, Runefelt is prompting more and more people to share his journey, lifestyle, and reliance on the decree of magnetism. His youtube channel has been one of the most significant apparatuses in his accomplishment and distinction.
Runefelt, who hails from Sweden, dropped out of school early as he had a hard time focusing because of attention deficit disorder (ADD). He started working at a department store for a living, but within two years, he realized that he could never be successful or make his parents proud if he continued in that profession.
The founder of The Moon Group’s faith is in the law of attraction. He believes firm visions of your future can lead to possibilities of all your goals and dreams. The know-how of leveraging the internet to mint money and the ability to foresee the future of digital money have allowed him to climb up the success ladder.
Carl says, “I began to picture myself as a rich, cheerful and effective individual.” He even pretended that he was successful even though he was still working at the grocery store. He always took the train to his job, but he imagined driving a Ferrari in his head. He also started to look for yachts for sale online, envisaging that he was ready to purchase one. His life changed in just a couple of years more than he thought or most people would think could be possible.
Runefelt says, “There is no similarity between then and now.” He started probing for methods to get successful; he ran over a few speculations and meetings with fruitful individuals. What struck him more than anything else was the “law of attraction.”
Twenty-seven-year-old Runefelt mentally transformed himself into a successful person. From where he was, to where he is now, and where he’s headed. It’s been a shift of mindset and approach towards life. Self-belief and optimism about the future gave him the enthusiasm, courage, and strength required to overcome the barriers.
Carl did his research on cryptocurrency extensively a few years back, both online and by pouring through whatever literature was available at the time. He concluded that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins are designed to work as a medium of exchange. Educating people frequently about the traders and investors would be necessary and became his life’s purpose. Being a millennial, Runefelt realised the power of the digital world early on.
In no time, he created a YouTube channel, TheMoonCarl, to disseminate adequate and correct information about the control and value of cryptocurrencies, educating people on its nuances and how it’s competing against a broken system.
Runefelt says, “My life completely changed in just a couple of years, more than I thought or what most could even think possible. There’s no comparison between now and then. Being with people who share your ideals and goals is important; your company matters.”
He believes achieving success isn’t a matter of luck; it’s a decision. He says: “I thank myself every day. I decided to become the person I am today because I wasn’t happy with who I was before. The way to become whoever you want is to believe in your mind that you’re already that person. Act as if it’s already your reality, and you’ll attract it.”
The entrepreneur wants to be remembered for his extensive career. Wealth creation is no longer a motivating factor; he wants to contribute to society through philanthropic ventures. He says: “I want to be remembered as a great person who did great things. I already know that I’ll be one of the wealthiest people in the world, so it’s no longer a big motivator anymore. I want people to remember me as someone who did well for other people.”
In recent times, Carl announced his official partnership with Formula 2 & driver Ralph Boschung. An avid fan of racing, Runefelt’s multi-million-dollar sponsorship puts his name “The Moon” at the forefront of Formula 2. Runefelt says, “Bringing mass crypto adoption is my goal for 2022. Not only do I wish to bring more awareness to crypto but also to children with disabilities.” Carl himself is donating 30,000 USD every race to his charity for helping children in need and is motivating people to do so as well over a QR code printed on the car’s nose. “Formula 2 gives me a platform for both subjects that are near and dear to my heart. Crypto has built my wealth over the years, which has allowed me to make major donations to foundations that help children with major disabilities such as Down Syndrome, which my little brother has.”
Carl Runefelt, a serial entrepreneur and renowned crypto leader, is set to launch another exciting blockchain project, CryptoJobs.com. CryptoJobs.com aims to revolutionize the Web3 job space with an innovative employment platform for job seekers and employers.
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